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Gods Curse O-Week for 2000th year running![]() And it came to pass that the people once again gathered for the festivel of Ohweik, bringing with them their brightly coloured forms and their tents. And on the night proceeding Ohweik, Ken, being one of the tribe of Mong, and also of Murp, looked to the skies and considered what he saw. And he said to the gathered "I think the weather will be fine." And the Gods did hear the words of Ken, and snicker unto themselves, and sneak verily off to get up to no good. Yet the tribes of Mong and of Murp did sleep well, thinking that they would gather many young people to themselves in the festivel of Ohweik. Yea. And on the morn, when the tribe of Mong did look upon the valley, they saw that it was flooded, and they did curse the sky and rail against the ongoing and infinite cruelty and timing of Ohweik and of the persistence of the tribe of Seeayness in having Ohweik outside. Yet they travelled to the site of Ohweik with their membership forms, and then pens of their fathers, and watched as the tribes of Fome and the people of Monash did settle upon the fields of Ohweik. And they cursed the sky and the inch of water on the ground, and many tales were told of the Chieftans of Eld, who sank into the muddy ground and were never seen again, or fought off the ravenous ducks for their place in the festivel of Ohweik, and all were given heart. So seeing this, the gods did wail and gnash their teeth, for the people ignored the marsh of Ohweik and went amongst the encampments of the tribes of Esseeay, and Fome, of Ease and of Freibere. And the wiser, crueler gods did smile, for their curse was yet to unfold. For next the gods sent heat and sun, and those who had sat and shivered now did annoint themselves with rare balms, and shake their heads at the obviousness of the gods who thougt they they were so subtle at changing the weather. Yea, and verily, lo, did all the gods look narked, and gather apart from the fields of Ohweik, ye, even far from the towers of Mensies, and hidden from the sight of the pinnacle of Howitt. And they did conspire to send bagpipes and surreal landscapes and creatures of Harley to torment all the tribes, and lay waste their receipt books and t-shirts. Some amongst the tribes did quail at this onslaught and throw themselves from high places. Yet a voice did call for the tribes of Monash to take heart and keep a good cheer through music and dancing. Other tribes performed the rituals of their people, saying unto the gods, "Be gone from this place, lest we defy gravity, and make loud clashing sounds with our wobbly things". These acts of defiance angered the gods, and they withdrew, shaking their fists, and calling the tribes various anatomical portions, and vowed that they should return in the year to come, and visit even worse plagues upon the tribes of Monash. Here endeth the lesson. |
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