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It's a Man's Life... in the Roleplayers!

Yes, its a man's life - hard work, hard play, and the rewards only meticulous characterisation can bring. Be a man, and join the Roleplayers!

Crowd Scene

Our mission? To show the thousands of young men and women like those above that their country needs them to join the Roleplayers in this time of crisis. Unknowingly, any one of them may have a ConOrg's baton in their brightly coloured backpacks.

But its not always easy to convince these impressionable youngsters that Roleplaying presents the only real way to make a real effect in the real world. Really.

These are just some of the ways YOU can help our Great Cause. Yes YOU. YOU can help us, just as Roleplaying can help YOU. Our tireless volunteers have donated their time to show YOU the many ways that YOU can encourage your family, friends and pets to join .... The Roleplayers!

Who's this? Its young Sergeant Blakey rallying a small collection of first years to his call. Not satisfied with one member at a time, the brave Blakey stands forth in a crowd, and lets his voice ring out in the Great Cause Sgt Blakey Talking
Ken n Marion And here he is again! The man is tireless in his boundless efforts to secure Roleplaying into the hearts and minds of all! Here we see the young Blakey using the famous "I failed your subject, you should join my club" tactic on one of his lecturers. But his plan went awry when he learned that Marion was one of the few life members of the club! Oh well, there's plenty more fish in the sea, young Blakey!
Of course, young Blakey isn't the only one on the recruitment trail! Johnson prefers the more sedate, but intellectual methods of recruitment. She can certainly suck them in! Sarah sucks them in Sarah measuring So how do YOU measure up!
Ian reclining But it isn't all haranguing and arguing, no sir! Let these two young men of the Cause show you a good time in the Roleplayers! Wouldn't you like to posess their manly physiques and tough good looks? But YOU can - all you need to do is join! Today! Greg posing

Of course, despite our immediate, compelling attraction, other groups do try and lure people away our ranks. Not for the bright young men and women of the Roleplayers, no! But some may be swayed by the devious oratory or shiny toys offered by others!

So beware!
Here, so you may better guard against their serpent-like trickery, we present the recruitment methods of other clubs....

Some people are always traditionalists, and the Tae Kwon Doe club is no exception! Here you can see them employing their yearly "Join Us or Die" exhibition.
Join or Die, Pig People!
FOME can entrap the young would-be Roleplayer with their false, bright smiles and shiny trinkets - they almost seem like Roleplayers - but not quite! FOME desk
Shiny things!
Waterskiing? DANGER!
It got your attention, did it not? And some underhanded groups will use the same perfidious slight-of-hand to attract the attention of passersby, fooling them into believing life with another club could be more exciting than the Roleplayers!
Join or Burn!

Some groups are simply not able to condone that level of deception, and instead revert to trying to wile young people to their bosum with offers of fun and merriment!

For instance, this group, who we shall, for decencies sake, not name, get 'down and funky', swaying young men and women to their side with the unhealthy, hypnotic swaying of their pelvises! Beware this unhealthy practice! German Club Drama Students Some insidious, devious, and downright darstardly groups would have you believe that they, like the Roleplayers perform characterisation! All rightthinking people know otherwise of course, but you should keep yourself ready for other groups coming to you claiming to improvise and perform!
And then there are the groups who undermine society with their lewd behaviour, appealing to the lowest common denominator, that of the letch, the fornicator and the dissolute, with their burlesque shows and other sins of the flesh What part of 'not here' did you
not understand?
Fasion Show - Nude Up

Queuing to join

In the end, there can be only one choice, for all fine, upstanding, well-bred and -mannered, rich and educated men and women - the Roleplayers. The Roleplayers, where you can travel the world, nay, the Universe. The Roleplayers, where you get to break into installations and kill the guards, all before tea! The Roleplayers! Where all true fun begins! The Roleplayers! Only a fool would not join!

Join us, be one of us. Conform, be silent, obey

O-week '99
MURP Table Fire twirling Ooo, stilts O-Week Thurs
Its a joke.

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