The Prestidigitator

Back Issues - Submission - Editor - MURP


"The role-play uni-student, gothic drunken share-house blues."

Writing chronologies

Review Revue
Opinions on DWARFCon and Arcanacon

Gouging Pop Culture

Shadow Government revelations

More wacky quote fun

Meme plague reaches epidemic proportions

The Centre for Meme Control (CMC) today announced that the current spread of memes has reached epic proportions. "Our best estimates are that no person will have a single original thought within the week, but will simply parrot one of several inane phrases repeatedly" said Dr Springloaded Dartgun. "It's the beginning of the end." When MURP president, Ken Blakey, was confronted with this estimation, he looked at the camera with glazed eyes and stated "You say that like it's a bad thing."

D&D characters demand individuality

New demands today were issued from the Characters Against Non-individuality (CAN). This group, renowned for their outcries against the practices of rolling 6 characters and choosing 1, have today stepped up their pleas for recognition as individual story participants. One spokesman, identified as only as "Kevin's third-level elf", spoke passionately against the summation of his 200 years of experience in the magical forest of Moreynheim, his life, loves and hates, growing magical abilities and trust in the human friends he has made in terms of a grotty teenager's robot-like racial sterotype. "In the name of the Gods of Moreynheim, I am more than collection of experience collecting algorithms and cool widgets. Is Hamlet known as "Shakespeare's 6th level fighter with a paranoia Derangement"? No, I don't think so. All we are asking for is equality, and a name not chosen at random for a Tolkein book or Norse mythology."