- He tastes like soap.
- I've kissed everyone in the room, so I say its an orgy
- We're going down early
- You're just drying dishes, aren't you?
- Nah. I like the gloopy squid monster idea better
- I just spent the last week in a parallel universe. I'm back now
- If you wave that thing near me again, I'm going to twat it.
- S'all right... If they existed I'd have a fixation with naked cyber girlies too...
- It's fucking cold, and it's raining and I can't go back to the cave until I find somthing to eat.
- Bats suck. They're like sharks that try to airoplanes.
- Nurgh nurgh nurgh aeeee woOoOoOoom. Oops.
- I have apparently inadvertinately misplaced my vocabulary... oh no, here it is
- I'm fully used to being played with.
- Liz Drake Inc - I handle casuals
- Don't play quoits with my nipples!
- I'm lost - why are we coupling again?
- Well I'll just have to say it more. Debauchery. Debauchery. Debauchery.
- Ouch! Get away from my bony bits!
- Its not like they were my pants anyway.
- You sank my battleship.
- Breath test and a walkies.
- A-ha! Gloink.
- Yes, god damn it! the care bear is going to take it up the ass.
- I don't care who takes me, as long as its quickly
- Come on granma, it will be a good time..
- Incoming! Cow! Sproing!
- I ate minties, but I didn't inhale.
- I wonder if I could pass for human.
- Help Ken's being eaten.
- Help me get this ravenous beast off!
- Don't give into the dark side stay here with us.
- Has anyone seen my fish?
Sarah (psycho):
- I hate waking up too far to walk home
- I think it'll be quicker if I do it. Just get out of the way.
- You need someone there to put your hands up against it.
- Ree ehh ehh meeyip for before.
Jenny Z:
- Hey, get your salmonella away from me.
- Once we can find our way out, we can get back into it
- It takes too much energy to sniff.
- Thank you Owen it was really yummy.....okay I wont sniff you.
- How come her comforting feels so much better.
- I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for here... oh, that
- You were bottle fed weren't you.
- I gave it to Julian on Thursday.
Daniel Berk:
- Would anyone other than roleplayers bother bouncing up and down
and yelling for three hours with no discernable result?... nevermind.
- I have this strange urge to put my leg up on Kate's back.
- Don't be silly. Tim is like a Triceretops. I'd get in trouble.
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