

Despite a disappointing attendance by the first year members of MURP, the seminars so far have been a sucess. Discussions on the true nature of roleplaying, how to keep a 'library' of NPCs, and how to make a linear scenario feel not so.

The seminars are strongly recommended for anyone that wants to write for Capricon (not compulsory).

Infernal Torment - Where The Willows Were

This startling night's entertainment is brought to you care of Our Lord Col, MURP president. Imagine what would happen to the people and area described in The Wind in the Willows after 50 years ...

B Grade Movies

Once the roleplaying seminars have concluded in their majestic fashion, MURP will once again revert to the B-Grade Movierama. Suggestions so far include Hercules Returns and Hudson Hawk. As with last year, the Conference Room will be divided in two, and the second half is free for anyone who wishes to roleplay.

Arcanacon Entries

Due to MURP's sucess at Conquest this year (see Conquest Report), we are hoping to boost the number of MURP entrants to Arcanacon even higher than before. Arcanacon entrants will be sponsored by MURP for at least half of the registration fee, and booklets should soon be available.