Our exclusive story (Brought to you by Benji):
'Never a moment apart' is the phrase that leaps to mind first when considering
these two happy armadillos.
Our reliable sources have overheard Kyle stating categorically:
"It all began about 2 weeks ago...so many memories."
Some of our eager readers wanted to know if these two wanted to get together (Yes),
and if so, how many children they
wish to have. Looking at each other, Sarah spoke for both of them when she said:
"Only one, and only if we are very hungry. I have semi-strict vegitarian principles..."
Pictures will follow, but for now all the up-to-date goss is that they are definitely
together, and that Kyle will soon
be obtaining a proper bed and curtains ;)
Also, in an unofficial interview with this reporter, it was officially denied that their
union was a result of both parties
being over-exposed to the gas leak in Mong.
Tim B (last name covered to retain anonymity), a close and reliable source, says that
this cannot be the case.
"Stands to reason, dunnit. I mean, none of us others have been adopted the same way...
<Closely followed by 7 minutes of static as he, we presume, just held the phone in a
state of blank funk>
...purple fish beetroot!*click*"
However, on a more grand note, this should not just be looked upon as two people
enjoining with each other,
but as something larger, something more.
This is to be the enjoining of two households that may otherwise have become estranged.
Evelyn st and it's bastard child, Mong, are united once again through the encoupling of
The Kyle and The Sarah.
They will be wed in but 3 moons time, in a shower of ceremonial fish.
(Fish to be supplied by attendants).
All is bliss.
Drink All, for that blissy taste.