The MURP make-a-monster game

by Damien Moore

Yes, its the long-awaited make-a-monster game.

Years ago, it was vaguely proposed to make up a monster manual entry for club members, just as a gag. Now, you can be part of that fabulous process!

Of course, this is probably only funny to those people who actually played [A]D&D in their youth. The uninitiated, those lucky, lucky people, this is just a mass of obscure numbers, letters, contractions and acronyms. Ah, but to the faithful, so many memories.

View a Monster

You can start small and build up. If you want to see what has been created by those who came before, feel free.

But view whom? Type in a name to search for, or just click Show Me to see a list of all available entries.

Create an Entry

Bored with other people's ideas of monsters? Simple Want some revenge? Go for it!