Monash the RolePlaying

"And then shome of thuh Blue one..."

Compare the number of drinks you've had to find out what sort of effect they're likely to be having on you.
You may ignore a number of drinks equal to your stamina, and subtract 1 drink per hour from the total number you have drunk.
The number of drinks on the table refers to standard drinks.
All penalties or modifiers on the table are cumulative with the ones above.

0 Sober. No surprises there really...
1 "I'm just a little lightheaded": All social rolls are at +1 and any resistance rolls versus suggestion are at -1.
2 - 3 "I'm just pleasantly tipsy": All social rolls +1, resitance vs. suggestion -1.
4 - 5 "Is that my glass?": Social rolls -3, resistance vs. suggestion -1. Add +1 to the appearance of members of the opposite sex (and/or same sex, if applicable)
6 - 7 "And sho then I shaid to him...": social rolls -1, resistance -1. Add +1 to the appearance of everyone. Make a stamina check (diff 6) to not vomit.
8 - 9 "Why ish that dog wearing my pantsh?": social rolls -1, resistance is not an option (GMs discretion). Add +1 to the appearance of the dog and the lampshade. Make a stamina check (diff. 8) to not vomit, make another (diff. 6) to stay concious.
10 - 11 "Mrmfur getafernarouna...": Make a stamina check (diff. 9) to not vomit. Make another (diff. 8) to stay concious.
12+ *Gesticulates wildly from the floor*: Make a stamina check at diff. 10 to not vomit, and another at diff. 9 to stay concious. Make another set of checks for every two drinks after number 12.