Monash the RolePlaying

"Why Don't You Come Back To My Place?"

by Tim Betz & Ken Blakey

Roll a d10 and compare the result to the table...

-2 "Put your pants back on Young Lady!" Your Mother walks in. Your date leaves vowing never to return.
-1 "Clean up your room!" Your Housemates or your Mother are sick of the state of your room and an argument ensues. Your date, seeing that you are busy, leaves and refuses to talk to you afterwards.
0-2 "Uh, I have to be going now..." Your date makes up a quick excuse and leaves, saying that they'll call you in a few days... They don't.
3-4 "I have to get up early tomorrow." Your date stays for a while, you have a polite chat and some coffee, before they leave
5-6 "I'd like to see you again sometime..." A cup of coffee and a pleasant talk about some deeper things leads to a kiss goodnight before they leave.
7-8 "That was fun but I have classes tomorrow..."After getting a little hot and heavy, your date leaves you, clothes still on, promising to call you tomorrow evening.
9 "Do you think I could crash the night?" After a barely convincing yawn, your date decides to stay the night. Oddly enough, even though they're too tired to drive, they aren't that tired...
10 "I'll cook you breakfast..." You are practically jumped upon before you have a chance to close the front door...
11+ "I'm yours, do whatever you want with me..." Now how can you refuse someone a request like that?

Fetish and Kink bonuses apply to this roll as does the merit female.
A +2 bonus applies if you own the item four poster bed.
Add +1 if your date is drunk. Add another +1 if you are too (unless you are drunker that your date in which case neither bonus counts).
Add +1 if this is the second date. Add +2 for the third and subsequent date.