Monash the RolePlaying


by Tim Betz and Ken Blakey

Computer Use:
The ability to use a computer, and more importantly figure out what is wrong with it when it isn't working.
0You better not touch it, you might break it. You could probably get the hang of putting the CD in a playstation and turning it on if someone showed you how a few times...
1At this level you can use Windows and most of the programs in microsoft office, powerpoint still mystifies you though...
2You are reasonably proficient in troubleshooting Windows and can replace the hardware in your PC with the ease of an adequate professional.
3At this level you are a proficient user of at least one non-GUI operating system if not more. Almost all of your non computing friends will bug you for computing advice constantly...
4You are fairly knowledgeable on anything computer related and most of your computing friends will bug you for advice constantly...
5You are a computing God! You are well versed in every aspect of computer hardware and software, powerpoint still mystifies you though...

Creative Cheating:
The ability to think up, and utilize, new and ingenious ways of cheating at, mostly exams, but this skill can be applied to pretty much anything.

Drive vehicle:
The ability to swerve recklessly, from one side of the road to another, without flipping into oncoming traffic.


The ability to talk about your chosen field of employment or special interest without boring those around you shitless. Also a measure of how up to date you are on new events in that field and peculiar bits of trivia from its history.


Language Foreign:
The ability to gibber incoherently at people from another country and culture and make them think you are a moron. For each level you have in this skill you may pick one language to speak badly. If you take two picks in a given language the locals might actually be able to stop sniggering long enough to understand you.
Some examples are: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Esperanto, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Language Programming:
The ability to enter one of many cryptic and arcane languages into a computer, change what you wrote slightly, swear, change what you wrote again, swear louder, change stuff some more and by doing so get a computer to do things that no one else quite comprehends. For each level you have in Language Programming you may pick two languages that you know.
Some examples are: Assembly, BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Fortran, HTML, Java, Pascal, Perl, Python, and Visual Basic.