Famous Last Words

  1. "Let's go in."
  2. "Let's not go in."
  3. "Let me handle this."
  4. "Why is your torch flame turning blue?"
  5. "I never get lost."
  6. "I bet without Mjolnir you're a real wuss."
  7. "They're only kobolds!"
  8. "Why is this man speaking in sign language?"
  9. "Why can't we take Clarissa (Disguised evil high priestess) with us?"
  10. Traveller:"Who took the battery out of my grav belt?"
  11. "Oops."
  12. "Hmmm...the sign on the door says, "AIRLOCK". I wonder what's inside."
  13. "Y'know, since our druid's been so obnoxious, it would probably serve him right if we set his precious forest on fire."
  14. "A clever bluff, Agent N42, but not clever enough. You see, right away I recognized your `pistol' as a cleverly disguised cigarette lighter."
  15. "All right, I jump...Now on the way down, I activate my ring of feather fall...no, wait, didn't I lend it to Jim?"
  16. "So you're Tiamat, huh? Are you evil? Yes? Would you like to convert?"
  17. "I swing the Toxic Avenger's mop at the grenade so I can bat it across the room at the aliens...Wait! Isn't that grenade Contact Fused ???"
  18. "What do you mean Tsu Han's pilotting the shuttle? Does he even have Insystem Pilot? WHY ARE YOU SMILING AND SHAKING YOUR HEAD?"
  19. To sleeping dragon: "Oops, sorry...didn't mean to disturb you."
  20. "Let's walk this way."
  21. "You mean they get to use the critical hit chart too?"
  22. "Just watch, I bet I get the one item that's cursed."
  23. "Don't worry. I've got a plan."
  24. "I wonder what's in here?"
  25. "They don't look so tough."
  26. "Those noises are probably nothing."
  27. "I want to kill something."
  28. "Bob, you have any grenades left? Throw me one..."
  29. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
  30. "Your mother was a Gully Dwarf."
  31. "My God will protect me."
  32. "You don't look like a mage!"
  33. "Well, if you didn't belch, who did?"
  34. "Who's the bitch with the spiders?" (ahhh! the infamous Lloth)
  35. "Lightning bolts don't ricochet off stone walls, do they?"
  36. "So what if he calls the guard? A backwater town like this can't have a very big militia."
  37. "Only six inches long? Ha... Wait, you don't mean six scale inches, do you?" (said in miniature-figures-game. Character itself was 3/4" high.)
  38. "What do you mean, `It doesn't work' ?" (Item with no more charges left.)
  39. "Then I'll hit him back!" (spoken at the start of a bar brawl.)
  40. "Read it to me." (It was a fireball scroll.)
  41. "He looks like a sunburnt elf? Huh."
  42. "I'll stand guard." (Didn't want to enter orc cave. Orcs were out. Orcs came back.)
  43. "What do you mean I hear water?" (in a tunnel)
  44. "Shut up, bird!" (to a parrot who happened to be repeating the True Name of a demon which subsequently exterminated the party)
  45. NPC:"Take this ring as a token of my esteem." {This party no longer accepts ifts from unknown NPC's.}
  46. PLAYER:"BEGONE THINGS OF EVIL!!!" REPLY:"Begone thing of good."
  47. "I wonder what the black-and-yellow striped ring above the seat does?" { Ejection Seat. No atmosphere and no vacc-suit.}
  48. "Your armor is too noisy. Wait here and I'll scout ahead."
  49. "Easy, boy. What's this stupid horse's problem?"
  50. "I really didn't know it was against the law."
  51. "What's the duration of this Fly spell?"
  52. "I don't understand. It should be dead by now."
  53. "Finally! I thought that troll would never die."
  54. "Aha! So you're the [killer/spy/vampire]!"
  55. "Ha ha ha! Let's put bookworms in his spell research library."
  56. "I'm heir to the crown. They wouldn't dare!"
  57. "But [longbows/match locks/nuclear weapons] haven't been invented yet..."
  58. "Look, I don't care what you think of her, or her "demonic smile." She's hot to trot. So, if you'll excuse us..."
  59. "After what we took, he won't be able to afford an assassin."
  60. "Wanna see my new spell?"
  61. "Look at the size of those tracks!"
  62. "..23..24..Well, that's the last of his arrows."
  63. "No problem! I'll just cast a ... whoops, I forgot. I'm just 2nd level, aren't I?"
  64. "Did you see that guy's head? I wonder what did this."
  65. "If you cut me down, I will only become more powerful."
  66. "I'll attempt to patch it up." {...finding a hole in the cargo bay of the the orbital shuttle}
  67. "I'll cut the red wire."
  68. "Hey, I'll try to hide in shadows." (Room full of Shadows)
  69. "I cast a powerball." {inside an elevator}
  70. "I cast a hellblast." {at a gas station}
  71. "Let's blow open the airlock."
  72. "I jump from our car into theirs."
  73. "I tackle her." {She was a wolf shapeshifter in human form}
  74. "A juggernaught? What the hell's a juggernaught?"
  75. "Do you think it's a toxic spirit?"
  76. "Shit, it's a minefield, leggit !!!"
  77. while rolling dices "Please God, not an ammo explosion..."
  78. "I'll hide my ship near the planet's ring?" {which is where several hundred nuclear missile-equipped automated battlesats were hidden}
  79. "That's an interesting headband you're wearing pilot Smith." (kamikaze headband)
  80. "Say, what's that red dot on your forehead?" {laser sight}
  81. "I'm a vampire. No mortal can kill me."
  82. "What kind of idiot would set boobytraps in his own home?"
  83. "We'll let him fire the mortar, he's not to good with a gun."
  84. "In my present mood I could cast 'Speak with Dead' and talk to myself."
  85. DM: "You know you're 6' high and sitting on a 3' high horse in a saddle signed to keep you from falling. Now you're charging at full speed to a 7' high cave. What are you going to do ?"
    PC: "Hit my head on the cave roof ?!" {He took a *lot* of damage...}
  86. "I wish all these bloody things were dead." {spoken by a PC wearing a ring of wishes (he didn't know about), the entire party was wounded so they died like two of ten demons they were fighting.}
  87. NPC: "Surrender !"
    PC1: "Don't shoot. I give up, but let this guy(PC2) go, I took him as a hostage..."
    NPC: "Okay, okay, but first of all drop all your weapons!" {said to PC1}
    PC2: {taking out his Heavy Autopistol} "Shall I drop my weapon,too ???"
  88. "Computer, I'd like to register my mutation... It's Machine Empathy."
  89. "I'll put my head in, and see what's inside."
  90. PC: "Citizen Marks-R reporting treasonous activity in a corridor."
    "What colour corridor is that, citizen?" {computer}
    "The corridor? Umm...It's Blue."
  91. "It has an ejector seat? I pull the lever." {in a helicopter-like Flybot}
  92. "Beeping? O.K. I put it back in my holster."
  93. "We are all out of candles, so I used lanterns to surround the pentacle..."
  94. "With this body in my possesion I shall now rule the world!!"
  95. "Why does the writing on that book disappear while I am reading it ?"
  96. PC hires NPC to be a spy; PC is in contact with NPC via walkie-talkie :
    NPC:"I see it coming...aaargllhhhh" {sough}
    PC :"What do you mean 'aaargllhhhh'? Hey man, I've paid for this."
  97. "Anything but a fumble now...."
  98. "I am not getting short-changed by this guy."
  99. "While my elemental is attacking, I'll cast Magic Missile..." {to which the elemental attacked him}
  100. "Elves don't die. They live eternally." {Not this one, of course}
  101. GM: "You encounter some goblins."
    Party: "BANZAIIII" [charge]
    GM: "Hmm, didn't I say, there's 84."
  102. "He just fell off the 10th floor? I run over and catch him."
  103. "17,000 miles? That's ridiculous - I can't believe someone would go that far only to kill me!"
  104. {in a dockside inn}
    PC1: "I call him a reptile's haemmorhoid" {to a dock-worker}
    GM : "Eight people stand up."
    PC1: "Can I get out the door ?"
    PC2: "I block the door."
  105. Priest:"Okay, God, you wanted it this way."
  106. "Die!!!" {But he had a ring of spell turning.}