In The Beginning...
As most people know, we kicked the year off with an indoor soccer game and pizza night, where people started to get to know each other. The first week of the semester we had an infernal tournament, Long Live the Kings, and more free pizza. We had approximately 50 members turn up that night, which ended with Rebecca Trowbridge, Ted Cartwright, Helen-Vera Smethurst and Bevis Worcester winning each of the character prizes.
From then onwards we have held weekly meetings where people play continuous games, either for one or two weeks, or in some cases for the entire semester. These nights were held in the Committee Room, with excess people flowing into Wholefoods Resteraunt.
The MURP Camp...
On the last day of March, 20 MURP members managed to find their ways (with varying amounts of success) to the Lord Mayor's Children's Camp, at Portsea where a massive amount of fun was had by all, even those who remained sober the entire weekend. But rather than give you our opinions on the camp, here are some brief quotes that sum the weekend up:
So as you can see, it went quite well indeed.
Wednesday Night B-Grade Videos...
This year we decided to extend the normal once a week activities up to two nights a week. So, since the 15th March, on Wednesday nights, MURP has been holding video nights, where we hire a couple of bad videos and just kick around for the night. People were welcome to come and play on those nights, and even to bring Magic or similar card games to play if they must.
Currently, they are on hold, due to the Seminar nights to start as of April 26th...